Portal about Fashion-industry «District2 pt co»

Web Portal about Fashion-industry «District2 pt co»

Web Services

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District2.co allows users to easily find information about the representatives of the U.S. fashion industry. At the same time it's not just about the representatives of the finished product - the main task of the resource - to facilitate the interaction between suppliers, manufacturers and representatives of fashion brands and fashion houses

In the beginning

together with the customer we've determined goals not only for us, as developers, but also for the customer himself and so we've selected following tasks:


  • 1

    Inform potential target audience about new service

  • 2

    Form client audience of web portal

  • 3

    Attract potential partners


  • 1Create an electronic platform for the interaction of market specialists providing fashion industry services in the United States (whole world after)
  • 2Attract basic audiences to the website
  • 3Practicaly verificate developed concept of the resource

special approach

One of the hardest tasks for us was to develop such web portal while taking in count that it is being created for U.S. audience


Taking in count that District2 is a fashion industry web portal, we've developed it with appropriate style —impressive, contrast, and unlike the others. Clean lines, a combination of black with lemon yellow, use of patterns and a variety of typefaces allowed the site comply with the trends of the American Web Design


It's too early to announce the results of work on District2 project, but at this moment it is even more promising than we could have thought, and work on it is still underway

We have transformed
into the FreshTech brand

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